
a series of objects/sculptures made from found materials, 2013-2015, exhibited at the group exhibition sitzen, stehen, gehen, (f)liegen (sit, stand, walk, fly), KISS art association, Untergröningen castle, 2013 and at KIOSK TABAK, limited exhibitions, Zürich, Switzerland, 2014 and at the exhbition project >spirit<, Städtische Galerie Ostfildern, 2017

Hartmut Landauer, sculpture, Skulptur, camping chairs, camping furniture, vintage camping chairs, sculpture
Hartmut Landauer, Skulptur, sculpture
Hartmut Landauer, heliotrope, object, Objekt, sculpture, Skulptur, arte, Kunst, art
Hartmut Landauer, heliotrope, sculpture, object, Objekt, Skulptur
Hartmut Landauer, heliotropes, Objekt, Skulptur, object, sculpture
Hartmut Landauer, heliotrope, sculpture, object, Objekt, Skulptur
Hartmut Landauer, heliotropes, objects, sculptures, trash, found materials, gefundene Materialien,
Hartmut Landauer, heliotrope, object, sculpture, Objekt, Skulptur, art, Kunst, arte, escultura, objeto